
I have been witnessing the pollution of the Caspian Sea at times since my childhood. In 2016, while walking on the sea side in the early mornings, a silent voice of the sea asked me to show its pollution. We usually prefer not to see unpleasant things, and there was no earthly reason for me to protest about this fact considering the economy of my country is based on oil. Since that time, we have collaborated to find ways to draw attention to the problem and raise awareness through the power of aesthetics.

Time passed and again in one silent quarantine morning, I found myself at the right time in the right place. The Caspian Sea, with its unexpected beauty of pollution, is revealed through a decisive frame, with the reflection of the iconic landmark - the Flame Towers. On the one hand, we build magnificent, glittering buildings with oil revenues. On the other hand, we leave stains on the surface of the priceless gift to bakuvians from Mother Earth - Xazar.

Sharing my observations and experiences with Leyli, some days later I got this poem in my mailbox. Reading these words I have faced known feeling. Same feeling when I heard a silent voice of Xazar.
I'm suffocating!
Why can't I feel the sun?
It heats me up,
but it doesn't get in.
Phytoplankton -
Are you alive? Do you grow?
I feel alone.
You hear me?
No, you only hear
Roaring waves
Its my cry of pain
While the fish in their silence
Vanish in disbalance
Oil is coating the feathers
This is how birds are tethered
My body is all stained
The colors entertain you
Shapes of toxic spectrum

Я задыхаюсь!
Почему я не чувствую солнца?
Оно нагревает, но не попадает
Во мне не рождается
Вы слышите?
Нет, вы слышите только
Шум диких волн.
Я кричу вам о боли
Пока рыбы безмолвно
Во мне умирают.
Смоченные нефтью
Крылья не взлетают.
Мое тело все в пятнах
А вас цвет развлекает,
Формы лживого спектра
Как красиво!
Но я задыхаюсь...

Между небом и морем
Живёт человек
Между небом и морем
Горький саундтрек
Липнет к вашим подошвам
Входит в ваши дома
Оставляя следы
То, что душит меня.
Soul / Oilbow

20X25 cm plotter print
Glossy Epson paper
White glossy frame
Voice / Oilbow

Letter paper found in the Caspian sea
Handwritten poem by the author
White deep box frame
Harmony & chaos / Oilbow

Monotype *(edition of 1)
2x 30X42 cm plotter print
2in1 passepartout
White frame
Xazar's Surface / Oilbow

67X47 cm plotter print
Waving glossy Epson paper
White deep box frame
Fish's view / Oilbow

60X42 cm plotter print
Pearl paper on forex
White canvas frame

OilFish / Oilbow

42X30 cm UV print
Matte paper
White high frame and grainy glass

Xazar / Oilbow
50 X 77 cm
C - type print
White deep box frame
Azerbaijan / Oilbow

Looped mp4 video installation
120 X 270 см
White waving organza fabric
Oilbow / Azerbaijan
It was the final performance of the Caspian Sea, giving an answer to the question - who is responsible for oil pollution.
The Caspian Sea is the most enclosed body of water on Earth, which is ranked as both lakes (endless reservoir) and seas (due to its very large size). Located on the Eurasian continent. Its length approximately from north to south is 1200 km, width from west to east - from 195 to 435 km.
The length of the coastline is estimated at about 6500-6700 km, with islands up to 7000 km. The area is approximately 371 thousand rubles. sq. km, maximum depth - 1025 m. More than 130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, of which the largest are the Volga, Ural, Terek, Sulak, Samur. The natural resources of the sea include over 500 species of plants and 854 species of fish, of which about 30 are of commercial importance: beluga, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, pike perch, sturgeon (about 90% of the world's sturgeon reserves), etc.
The forecasted hydrocarbon resources of the Caspian (oil and gas) are estimated at 18 billion tons of standard fuel, proven reserves - up to 4 billion tons. It is the second largest volume of oil and gas after the Persian Gulf.
The main pollution of the sea is undoubtedly oil. Oil pollution suppresses the development of phytobenthos and phytoplankton of the Caspian Sea, represented by blue-green and diatom algae,
reduce oxygen production and accumulate in bottom sediments. The increase also negatively affects the heat, gas, moisture exchange between the water atmosphere and the atmosphere. Due to the spread over large areas of the oil film, the evaporation rate decreases several times.
Main environmental problems of the
Caspian Sea

Oil is undoubtedly the main pollutant of the sea. Oil pollution inhibits the development of phytobenthos and phytoplankton of the Caspian Sea, represented by blue-green and diatoms, reduce oxygen production, and accumulate in bottom sediments. The increase in pollution has a negative effect on heat, gas and moisture exchange between the water surface and the atmosphere. Due to the spread of oil slick over large areas, the evaporation rate decreases several times.

Share your opinion, comment or idea on this topic.
Every answer is valuable.
Exhibitions and publications
The series is being exhibited on different platforms to attract more public attention through aesthetics. I am open to cooperation, if you can contribute please contact me.

Xazar / Oilbow on
Global Conversation 2020

Global Conversation 2020, 2nd Round / United Nations 75 / 01.12.2020 - 15.12.2020

"Crossing realities" photography exhibition

NUR Art House / Icheri sheher / 01.5.2021 - 16.5.2021
Platform Art / Black and black

Guest project on "Closely" exhibition

Modern Museum of Art / 07.6.2021

"DEFOCUSED" photography exhibition

Baku Photo House / Icheri sheher / 29.7.2021 - 15.8.2021
doc-n: Lali Binyatova
Embassy of latvia X f37 union X Platform Art X BPH

Photography Charity Auction

Rotunda Hall / Landmark Hotel / 18.8.2021
Femiskop X Swiss agency for development and cooperation
F37union X BAKU PHOTOgraphy HOUSE

Project: Oilbow
Solo exhibition

Baku Photography House / Icheri sheher / 22.12.2021
f37 union X kolga

Oilbow on "Watch to hear" exhibition

ArtArea / KOLGA 2022 / 9.5.2022

Solo NFT exhibition of
Oilbow project

oncyber.io / 27.7.2023
Odyssey Global Media

Theatre of Digital Arts (TODA) & Virtual exhibition / Dubai / 23.7.2024
Yarat X f37

Caspian SEA

XX - XXI Centuries Painting Museum / 13.3.2025
Links to publications

View online

Xazar / Oilbow in virtual gallery of F.99 on
Google Arts and Culture

Charity auction held in Baku / AzerNews

Collection of single edition, multiple exhibited photography prints www.artpil.com/collections/emin-mathers/

Xazar / Oilbow on Photo - booooooom

Emin Mathers - Oilbow: The Azerbaijani photographer is exploring
pollution in the Caspian Sea. / Dissolution Gallery

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