explores and documents celestial scales of imagination, inspiring scientific discoveries in physics and astronomy while igniting within humanity the spark of cosmic consciousness.

Human culture — and science within it — exists as an intersubjective reality, a construct we rely on to logically explain everything around us. From this perspective, astronomy is not just a scientific endeavor but a grand story written from observations and the countless data we’ve accumulated over time. In order to feel the cosmic reality, humans have created various tools to find evidence of our imagination.

Art often prepares humanity for new worlds, intuitively discovering what logical science has yet to reveal. Through these discoveries, it offers solutions that eventually guide scientists forward. As cultural theorist Yuri Lotman once said, "Art does not depict the world but creates the world, and afterward, this world exists." We've witnessed countless instances where paintings by artists and ideas written by futurologists become part of our reality decades later. The creation of this project, shaped by circumstances, convinces me that it plants seeds of ideas for future generations of pioneers to deeper explore the multiverse.

The inspiration for this project began with the experience of focusing on a single star for an extended time. The longer I observe, the star's light transforms to ideas in my mind and guides the direction of the project. In 2019, when astrophysicists pushed technical boundaries to capture the first image of a black hole, I was impressed by the realization that our brains were witnessing something humans had never seen before. It illuminated the possibility of finding photographic evidence
for our most abstract theories. Nowadays, we accept photography as a medium that captures the real reality.
For two years, scientists analyzed the information received from the Event Horizon Telescope on a supercomputer to generate an image taken with a single giant telescope the size of our planet, as if see from the Earth's point of view to the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy M87. As a result, in the image we saw exactly what was predicted by either modern theories of astrophysics or scenes from Interstellar movie - a bright ring of gas and dust surrounding the event
horizon. Five years later, in 2024, it was revealed that scientists, out of several data visualization options, chose the one most familiar to their minds. Once again, this demonstrated how the world of humanity transforms only as far as Humans dare to propose a new vision.

For the series of exoplanets and their satellites, I used the classic tools of astronomy — a telescope, and a camera — to document an imaginative experience. However, I approached it with a distinct perspective: while an informed mind typically repeats known actions with these instruments, I aimed to break from convention. By freeing my imagination from the constraints of familiar observation, I allowed it to explore uncharted territory and access an entirely new experiential flow.
In the project’s early stages, I often wished for a collaborator deeply versed in physics, chemistry, astronomy, and could also write with clarity to help me envision exotic planetary environments. Years later, the rise of AI chatbots catalyzed an implosion of the cosmic vision, merging scientific knowledge with extraterrestrial imaginings, and skyrocketing the project into an exciting new phase - 'Exploration of Exoplanets' series.

In this project our vision expands to different focal points. When our attention is directed inward to the circle, which is the viewfinder of the telescope, we see two dimensional vistas of various environments. If the focus shifts to the black portal, the image transforms into a globe. When the gaze like a floodlight moves to the space where these exoplanets exist, the journey begins into the four dimensions of the stellar system NØVA III.

Exploration of


After the collision of one of the satellites of exoplanet A0 - 3, the star system attracted the attention of both amateur observers and scientists, prompting them to study the system. Thus began frequent remote expeditions to the exoplanets.

NEWS about A2 - 1 NOVAIII

28/02/22 19:23 +4 GMT
The spacecraft quantdropped into orbit of exoplanet A2 - 1. First time we have close view from NOVA III stellar system. On video is the ring of A2 - 1. Video

22/03/22 23:48 +4 GMT
Transferred detailed view of the valley on A2 - 1. At the maximum approximation, it was possible to capture
10x12.5 km of the surface into the frame.

02/01/23 17:00 +4 GMT
Satellite connection with A2 - 1 has been restored. The first thing we were able to transmit this time was images of the north pole of the exoplanet. Recall that at the beginning of 2022, after the first view of the exoplanet's ring, our connection was cut off. Video

03/01/2023 13:51 +4 GMT
Transmission of recorded and preserved observations for the year from a satellite out of communication received! On the images we see motionless and frozen landscapes, once a fiery exoplanet A2 - 1. Video

06/01/23 23:45 +4 GMT
Spacecraft KVM1L made documentation of the dark side if A2 - 1! Currently data on transmission.
07/01/23 13:47 +4GMT
After the connection is restored, the satellite devices are launched in test mode. The spacecraft KVM1L was equipped with a scanner to study the state of the surface in the dark time on the A2 - 1. As it became known, the temperature falls three times and the state of aggregation of substances changes twice per planetary day. Video

08/01/23 16:20 +4 GMT
We are still receiving data from the KVM1L. Today we collected a selection of frames with a view of the landscapes of A2 - 1 during it's starset. From a close distance traces of metal corrosion are visible on the surface.

14/01/23 07:03 +4 GMT
This is the new phase of NOVA III ! Very simple and genius idea illuminated today - to direct the lenses of KVM1L to the moon of A2 - 1. The result - first close photograph of the natural satellite named Thaís. Video
14/01/23 17:32 +4 GMT
Anomalous electromagnetic pulses detected from A2 - 1. After recording strong waves, contact with KVM1L was lost again. Video

30/06/24 11:35 +4GMT
After restoring communication with KVM1L, we received the first package of visual data from exoplanet A2 - 1. At the moment, observations are being studied and drawing up for publications.

01/07/24 11:37 +4GMT
The mineral-rich variety of A2 - 1 is confirmed. The exoplanet is resourceful for creating a life-supporting environment for long-term space missions in the NOVA III system. It is rich in carbon compounds for use in creating fuel cells and producing food through chemical synthesis, iron and aluminum for construction and manufacturing various structures, and rare earth elements needed for the production of high-tech devices.

03/07/24 11:44 +4GMT
In the course of the spectroscopic scanning of the surface, the areas of the rich in nephelin (na₃k (al₄si₄o₁₆) have already been found, which is possible to get aluminum. And the most important helium-3 (³He) locked in the crystalline structure of minerals and rocks in large quantities. It is important for potential use in thermal energy. These finds do potentially possible long-term robotic missions.

04/07/24 11:37 +4GMT
In the area of ​​the crater called "Kryon", large deposits of Ca, Ag, Au, C and rare earth metal in the same area were found. After the volcano has become passive, erosion and sedimentary processes led to the accumulation of minerals. The terrain around the crater contains the concentration of minerals besieged from the volcanic breeds that have been eliminated.

12/07/24 12:07 +4GMT
The scanning of the exoplanet's landscape is in full swing. At the higher latitudes, KVM1L captured an image of the landscape, later named Nicoland, which is rich in ferronickel, a natural alloy of iron and nickel typically found in meteorites, and warrants further attention.

07/08/24 09:47 +4GMT
During the analysis of the images obtained from the surface of A2 - 1, a selection of intriguing observations was made. The smooth, rounded landscapes and shapes resembling living organisms suggest the hypothesis of liquid oceans existing on the exoplanet. Subsequently, KVM1L received instructions to conduct a thorough examination of this area during its next flyover.

20/09/24 12:29 +4GMT
Scientists Redefine Imaging Algorithms on KVM1L to Capture High-Resolution Mountain and Canyon Maps
In a breakthrough development, a team of scientists has successfully revamped the imaging algorithms aboard the KVM1L spacecraft. This innovation enables the transformation of high-frequency video footage into a single, high-resolution frame by compiling data from numerous smaller image fragments.
28/09/24 11:39+4GMT
The primary goal of this advanced functionality is to conduct detailed research on mountainous and canyon regions, providing highly detailed maps of potentially rich in useful resources terrains. The new capability promises to significantly enhance the precision of topographical studies and support future exploration and environmental monitoring efforts in these challenging landscapes.

NEWS about A2 - 3 NOVAIII

01/05/20 16:18 +4 GMT
Today launched stellarship with the first rover to the exoplanet! A2 - 3. It will be the first space object outside our Solar system that we touch.

17/01/23 03:51 +4 GMT
Three years ago, we took a big step towards interstellar exploration - we launched a mission with the first rover outside the Solar system. Today the rover "Aooks" touched down on the surface of the exoplanet and transmitted a image from 137 km above A2 - 3 before landing!

18/01/23 05:45 +4GMT
We just got the images from "Aooks"!
At first glance, the surface looks deserted. Apparently, the presence of iron and manganese gives the soil brown, ocher, red tones.
In the last photograph, the lines resemble a dry river. It is too early to judge from one image, but there is an assumption that there is vegetation on the planet.

19/01/23 15:58 +4GMT
Having received another packet of information from the exoplanet, it was found that, a day here, at this time of the exoplanetary year, lasts about 13 hours. Sunsets due to particles in the atmosphere, purple in color. As the Aooks moves, plant-like forms are encountered. We are looking for more solid evidence that plant life is present on A2 - 3.

21/01/23 12:47 +4GMT
"I solemnly announce that for the first time we observe life on another planet. Transmitted clear evidence of vegetative objects on A2 - 3. This opens up great opportunities for the colonization of its surface." - posted the head of the mission on his X account.

25/12/23 9:00 +4GMT
After the exoplanet came into view, during the 2nd launch of "Aooks" we received images of lichens on the southern cliffs of the mountain foothills. Spectral data also confirm the presence of organic matter in this area

02/04/24 15:51 +4GMT
Today, with this last photograph, rover "Aooks" completed its operational time on A2 - 3. During its four-year mission and 16-month stay on the exoplanet's surface, the rover discovered plant life and triggered a number of significant discoveries in astrobiology in the NØVA III system.

06/12/24 07:57 GMT
A new discovery has emerged from the ongoing analysis of visual data collected during the A2 - 3 mission in 2023 by the Aooks rover. Among the pre-landing images, researchers identified an object of strikingly unnatural shape resembling a crystal, approximately 10 meters in size.
This finding raises questions about the geological or potentially non-geological origins of the structure. It could hold clues to the environmental processes or conditions that shaped A2 - 3’s surface.
Further investigations are underway to determine its composition and possible significance to the mission's broader objectives.
07/12/24 10:00 GMT
In early 2023, the first announcement of life on A2 - 3 captured the humanity’s attention. Since then, several forms of life have been discovered across the exoplanets of the NØVA III system. Today, a new breakthrough has emerged: among the pre-landing images, a distinct photograph of a "bio-island" on A2 - 3’s surface has been identified.
The bio-island appears to be an ecosystem distinct from its surroundings, hinting at the existence of complex, possibly interdependent life forms. This discovery deepens our understanding of A2 - 3’s environment and its capacity to sustain life.

01/03/25 09:21 GMT
The first telescopic observations led to the first mission to exoplanet A2 - 3 with the rover 'Aooks'. Data and visual discoveries have now triggered a follow-up mission — this time equipped with a low-orbit satellite. First transmissions just arrive from the mountainous regions where Aooks conducted research. A newly discovered high-altitude cave, beyond the rover’s reach, is drawing researchers' attention.
03/03/25 03:25 GMT
New observations leave no doubt — exoplanet A2 - 3 hosts a biosphere. Latitudes above the equatorial zones are teeming with clusters of plant-like islands, seemingly forming small patches to retain moisture. This mechanism appears to sustain life even in the planet’s extreme heat.

05/03/25 23:37 GMT
To enhance research, the satellite was lowered into an ultra-low orbit. For the second time, exoplanet A2 - 3 astonishes the space community — this time with a symbol of unknown origin. Paired with last year’s discovery of a geometrically precise crystal among pre-landing material, this raises the possibility of intelligent life.

12/03/25 09:55 GMT
It was established that on A2 - 3, heavy water (D₂O) dominates instead of H₂O. This suggests a form of life with a slower metabolism, altered biopolymer structures, and increased resistance to environmental factors. This unique biochemistry, based on heavy water rather than regular H₂O.
In its descent, the probe collected molecular deuterium (D₂) from atmosphere. At its lowest point, it successfully scanned a crustal fissure 5 km deep. The engines then activated automatically, utilizing stored D₂ in an ion thruster to gradually raise its orbit. In 13 hours, it is expected to return to space.
14/03/25 08:53 GMT
The data transmission loss during acceleration to orbital velocity around A2 - 3 has been restored. Footage from the initial boost phase reveals a landscape region affected by fire. The extinguished fire on the slopes of the highlands indicates the presence of surface winds blowing toward this elevation.
14/03/25 09:09 GMT
On the third revolution before stabilizing in orbit, an image was captured showing the terrain of the exoplanet’s crustal fissure.
15/03/25 07:09 GMT
The final image of this mission from A2 - 3 has been processed. The probe will now remain at the edge of the exoplanet’s magnetic field, transmitting scientific data until the next descent to the surface is required.
Hypothesis on extraterrestrial life forms based on the naturalistic fantasy concept of NOVA III and Sacred Geometry
Abstract: This column explores a hypothesis concerning potential extraterrestrial life forms based on the principles of the NOVA III concept and sacred geometry. The hypothesis suggests that extraterrestrial beings may resemble life forms on Earth due to shared principles of sacred geometry and a unified consciousness foundation in the universe. It proposes that variations in planetary environments could positively influence the evolution of life forms to those on Earth. As example, the current vibration background on Earth contributes to the prosperity on all continents of species, such as mice, pigeons, cats, dogs and higher evolution of humans. The hypothesis proposes the existence of analogous life forms on other planets, with evidence suggesting evolved life forms resembling Earth's ants on exoplanet A2 - 2 and flora similar to Earth's on exoplanet A2 - 3. This hypothesis presents an opportunity for conscious communication with what are termed "primitive consciousnesses" on Earth before seeking contact with other forms beyond its borders. Furthermore, by studying common communication frequencies on Earth, researchers may identify corresponding signs on other planets and stellar systems.

03/09/23 11:20 +4GMT
Today our drone has reached the surface of the exoplanet. The first images show as yet unidentified structures on it. We are waiting for a new data pack for more accurate conclusions.

07/09/23 13:11 +4GMT
Judging by the new images and data, water in liquid form
NEWS about A2 - 2 NOVAIII

16/09/23 8:24 +4GMT
According to the collected data, we established that these are the remains of a certain underground city that was formed during a period of increased temperature on the surface. As long as there is a connection and it is stable, we will explore further.

12/11/23 10:33 +4GMT
Over the past few months, increasingly accumulated information has been analyzed. The use of chemical analysis methods has made it possible to detect chemical components similar to those involved in ant activities, such as pheromones and remnants of ant bodies, thereby confirming the hypotheses proposed after the discovery of unidentified structures in the caves.
may be on the surface. There are also close shots of structures on the slopes of hills and mountains, but we still cannot determine their origin.

08/09/23 5:55 +4GMT
Among yesterday's data packets, a cave entrance was discovered on the exoplanet. Currently, there are discussions about whether it is worth flying the drone inside, risking loss of communication, or continuing to hover over the desert* surface, as most of the team refers to it.
* We would like to mention that according to the data obtained so far, the surface of A2 - 2 is mostly desert. Only in the vicinity of this slope was a supposed pond found and the structure of this slope itself differed from what was previously found, as if washed by water.

10/09/23 18:13 +4GMT
The first images of the cave's interior. We can draw conclusions about the observed structures based on the analysis of the available information and data.
14/09/23 6:37 +4GMT
The deeper the drone penetrates, the more of these structures we can observe. From an engineering point of view, they are solidly constructed, built from environmental materials, much like anthills.
01/11/23 12:11 +4GMT
We move on to the second phase of the expedition on the surface of A2 - 2. After discoveries in the Gadiel cave, our team chose a nearby cave called Uriel.

02/11/23 13:58 +4GMT
At the very entrance to the Uriel cave, image sensors recorded same formations. After this discovery, there is no doubt that the next area of study on A2 - 2 will be these structures. We are still collecting more data to understand their nature of formation.
16/11/23 11:11 +4GMT
During the expeditions, a large number of cities and megalopolises by human standards were discovered beneath the surface of the exoplanet. Based on the findings, a theory emerged that after the fragmentation of the plates, the release of a large amount of heat into the atmosphere of A2 - 2, and the discovery of underground reservoirs, these creatures moved into caves. Given the scale of the settlements, this period lasted a long time until the concentration of harmful gases and/or the depletion of scarce resources brought an end to this civilization's era.
20/11/23 15:40 +4GMT
Thanks to the operators' exquisite control of the drone, we now have detailed close-up images of the newly discovered formations.
Additionally, the Uriel Cave turned out to be extensive and significantly longer than the drone's flight range. The team of operators and researchers now faces another difficult choice: to remove the device from the cave for recharging, or to use the remaining charge to delve deeper and make larger discoveries, thereby completing the expedition.

22/11/23 17:37 +4GMT
The decision to continue the expedition has already yielded its first results! Water reservoirs were discovered on the lower tier, providing convincing evidence that these dungeons were once inhabited by life. Who knows — maybe in the future, we will find survivors in small groups.

23/11/23 10:03 +4GMT
At the last charges, new observations are still being received. As we delve further, new horizons open before us. With a decrease in temperature and an increase in resources in lower levels, conditions were more favorable, which contributed to the development of settlements to the scale of megapolises by human standards.

25/11/23 15:53 +4GMT
With the drone's battery discharge yesterday at 16:20, the expedition on the exoplanet ended. Before crashing on the surface, the device transmitted its last images to the communication center, giving us the closest shots to the surface. As we study these images and make new discoveries based on them, we will keep you updated.
Obviously our story on A2 - 2 will continue for a long.
01/05/2024 02:37 +4 GMT
Method of travel between the solar system and the sellar system NOVA III:
As time is a sense, by nullifying the sense of time within a human, without moving in three-dimensional space, the individual moves in the fourth (time) dimension. Thus, when the NOVA III stellar system, moving along the orbit of the Milky Way, coincides with the position of the Solar system, the sense of time for the astronauts is restored. As of today, we are only capable of one-way journeys since we have not yet discovered reverse movement in time, and the movement in time during the next orbit of the Solar system will return the astronauts 237 million years later.
NEWS from A0 - 2 NOVAIII

20/01/23 13:27 +4GMT
Yesterday energy activity was detected on A0 - 2 exoplanet. This led to the idea of direct the KVM1L - spacecraft in orbit of A2 - 1 to it. NOW as a result, we have a close image of the A0 - 2's moon, which is called Schaitl.

18/07/23 17:05 +4GMT
During of the next phase of A0 - 2's satellite - Schaitl we captured and proofed with the closest view to it's liquid moon which is containing all water used to on A0 - 2.
The reason for the separation of the water mass is the topic of study for the disclosure of the secrets of space phenomena.

29/03/24 14:18 +4GMT
As part of the "Spiral" mission, the spacecraft delivering the probe to A3 - 2 also launched 3 small satellites to capture photographs of neighboring exoplanets. The first to reach the satellite of A0 - 2 and made the first highly detailed image of Schaitl - a liquid space object.
31/03/24 13:52 +4GM
20 January 2023 at 13:27 was announced about detection of energy activity on A0 - 2 exoplanet. Today, having a micro-satellite with a photosensitive camera in Schaitl's orbit, we detected the same energy activity. The reaction to this made such a photograph.
Recent observations of the Schaitl have revealed fascinating phenomena on both the light and dark sides of the satellite. On the light side, massive light pillars have been recorded. On the dark side, an unexpected infrared glow has been detected, raising questions about its origin and potential implications.
Additionally, 11 distinct radiant spots have been observed. These spots are assumed to indicate the probable presence of space objects, either in orbit around Schaitl or further beyond. Notably, a persistent infrared glow is visible in all frames, adding another layer of mystery to these observations.

14/01/25 11:42 GMT
High-Speed Rotation of Exoplanet A0 - 2 Solves the Water Separation Mystery *(Image soon)
New insights from the rapid rotation of exoplanet A0 - 2 reveal the mechanism behind the formation of its liquid satellite, Schaitl. Researchers confirm that the centrifugal forces generated by A0 - 2's extremely high rotational speed were sufficient to separate water mass, causing it to condense and form Schaitl. This phenomenon aligns with the planet's relatively weak gravity, allowing such separation to occur with less rotational velocity compared to higher-gravity planets. The rotation also likely causes exoplanet to become oblate, leading to intense atmospheric and geological activity.
Meanwhile, Schaitl’s orbital behavior remains under study. Due to its high speed, rotation, the orbit is very close to the planet, creating a gravitational and tidal locked state, where one side of the Schaitl always faces the A0 - 2.
These unique orbital mechanics, coupled with the extreme forces at play, present a rare opportunity to study the interplay of centrifugal effects, gravity, and orbital resonance in exoplanetary systems.

NEWS from A3 - 1 NOVAIII

01/07/23 21:07 +4GMT
After studying the A3 - 1 with the spectrometer data using AI, we sent a small drone equipped with an UV image sensor to collect new data. After entering the atmosphere, the first images were obtained. The images confirmed the assumption of the presence of liquid mercury on the surface. The first discovered sea on exoplanet was named Aia.

12/05/24 12:27 +4GMT
The second drone reached it's destination in frames of Spiral mission - the exoplanet A3 - 1. It captured the novaset above the surface of Aia. Due to weak lighting, the drone is recharging will be much longer than expected. Although this is slow, but still the beginning of the exploration can be considered successful.

13/05/24 9:22 +4GMT Recently new data transferred from the first tests of the drone's capability. Images captured from the expanse of Aia's ocean surface reveal stunning seascapes, showing the lowest flight points.

30/12/24 08:43 GMT
Our third probe to the Exoplanet A3 - 1, equipped with an advanced internal levitational platform, has successfully arrived to it's orbit. Upon entering the planet's magnetosphere, the probe captured a detailed image of its natural satellite. This newly documented celestial body has been named - X37. The imagery reveals surface features that warrant further investigation in future missions.
Stay tuned for updates as we uncover more about this enigmatic exoplanet and its relationship with the satellite.
06/01/25 10:10 GMT
A capsule has detached from the orbital probe and is now smoothly descending through the upper layers of A3 - 1’s liquid-gaseous atmosphere. This layer filters most of the spectrum, allowing primarily UV rays to penetrate. The dense atomic structure of the atmosphere diffuses the light, distorting the stellar disk of the central star of NOVA III as it arcs toward the still-curved horizon. This phenomenon offers a mesmerizing view while providing crucial data on the interaction of light and dense atmospheric layers on this exoplanet.

10/01/25 11:01 GMT
The scientific community is abuzz with excitement following the visual confirmation of a charged mercury cloud glowing with ultraviolet light in the argon-rich atmosphere of exoplanet A3 - 1.
The glow is attributed to interactions between charged mercury particles and the inert argon gas, triggered by high-altitude electrical discharges. These discharges, although faint compared to Earth's lightning, generate enough energy to ionize mercury vapor, resulting in the ethereal ultraviolet luminescence.
11/01/25 05:31 GMT
Amidst its vast mercury oceans, solid land formations have been identified. These areas host flowing rivers and shimmering lake of liquid mercury, named Orkhan sea, creating a landscape that gleams under the unique atmospheric conditions. Researchers suggest that the solid structures are composed of high-melting-point minerals like silicon dioxide and magnetite. Corrosion-resistant metals such as iron, nickel, or platinum may also be present, provided they remain insoluble in mercury. Additionally, "mercury salt" platforms might have formed due to chemical reactions between mercury, atmospheric gases, and the planet's rocky material. One notable example is mercury sulfide, commonly known as cinnabar.

11/01/25 22:50 GMT
Unique Composition of X37 in 360°: Researchers have confirmed that the satellite of exoplanet A3 - 1 features a silicate crust overlaying carbon-rich layers. The crust is composed of high-temperature minerals like silicon dioxide (quartz) and magnetite, which remain stable under extreme conditions. Beneath this layer, carbon deposits, including graphite and diamond-like structures, have been identified. It is believed that the X37’s proximity to A3 - 1 exposed it to intense gravitational forces and heating, which contributed to the formation of these extraordinary materials. A 360° view of the satellite reveals an X-shaped formation of its surface, which gave its name.
12/01/25 14:47 GMT
Today, the probe 'Third Eye' successfully entered a pivotal stage in its mission. As it continues its descent through the gaseous-liquid argon atmosphere, under 'love' of NOVA III star, the probe operates under minimal control. However, precise calculations of its velocity have mitigated the risk of short-circuiting its force field, allowing to immerse safely.
Upon reaching the surface of the mercury lake, the probe initiated a controlled deceleration. This maneuver marks the transition to the 3rd phase of the mission — a detailed study of liquid mercury’s properties under the exoplanet’s extreme pressure and temperature conditions.

13/01/25 02:00 GMT
Researchers aboard the mission captured a low-frame-rate video during first 8-seconds on mercury lake. Despite the energy-intensive process, the team allocated reserves saved during the mission’s second phase to achieve this feat.

The footage revealed a remarkable phenomenon: under the planet’s extreme conditions, mercury atoms in the lake’s rarefied state are spaced farther apart, rendering the liquid partially transparent to ultraviolet light. This discovery sheds new light on mercury's behavior in high-pressure, high-temperature environments, offering unexpected insights into atomic interactions.
13/01/25 16:06 GMT
Today, the mission 'Third Eye' faced an unexpected conclusion. Landing to the Orkhan sea from the unforeseen conditions, the force field turned off and the probe became partially immersed, which led to the loss of control and data transmission.
Before ceasing operation, it managed to capture and send one final photograph — an enigmatic image. Beneath the shimmering mercury surface, four symmetrical points of light were visible.
This final glimpse raises more questions than answers. Are these light formations natural reflections of an unseen phenomenon, or do they suggest something artificial beneath the lake’s surface? Scientists are already analyzing the image, hoping to decipher the secrets of these mysterious lights.

14/01/25 16:16 GMT
In a groundbreaking conclusion to the study of exoplanet A3 - 1, researchers have identified the planet as a rich source of essential metals. The discovery paves the way for the construction of a circular module orbiting the star NOVA III. A3 - 1’s mineral wealth, including high-melting-point silicates, corrosion-resistant metals like nickel and platinum, and carbon-based compounds, holds the potential to supply the foundational materials for advanced space infrastructure.

This milestone highlights the planet’s pivotal role in humanity's cosmic endeavors, transforming its once-unknown landscape into a cornerstone for future interstellar development.

NEWS from A0 - 1 NOVAIII

20/05/24 11:11 +4GMT
To study the conditions on A0 - 1, Ygrodrill was dropped vertically to the core. Due to the boiling nucleus, a dynamic equilibrium between the liquid and the gas phases, which will lead to the formation of bubbles and steam pockets inside the liquid. The behavior of these bubbles under high gravity differs from standard conditions, possibly less and more short-lived due to higher pressure.

01/06/24 13:31 +4GMT
Upon secondary examination of the data received from Stellarship, an unexpected image was discovered! It captures Ygrodrill's descent into the atmosphere of A0 - 1, taken on the route to the exoplanet A3 - 2. This stunning image offers new insights by the measurement of the length of pyrokumulus trace with a free fall provided important information for various aspects of planetological studies of A0 - 1. These data helped to improve the understanding of atmospheric conditions as a density, temperature profile and chemical properties of atmospheric layers. As well as measurements of the rate of fall, optimization of the trajectory and technology of future immersions.

NEWS from A3 - 2 NOVAIII

01/03/23 14:20 +4GMT
Nitrous oxide detected in the atmosphere of A3 - 2 which is primarily produced by natural processes such as bacterial denitrification in ocean. In the context of biosignatures, the presence of nitrous oxide in an exoplanet's atmosphere could be an indication of biological activity. However, the detection of nitrous oxide alone is not necessarily a conclusive sign of life, since the gas can also be produced by non-biological processes such as lightning or volcanism.
In order to more confidently identify nitrous oxide as a biosignature, we would need to look for additional evidence of life.

12/02/24 13:17 +4GMT
In the mission "Spiral" to study the composition of the atmospheric spheres of A3 - 2, to perform a gravitational maneuver to slow down, we first approached the A0 -1 exoplanet so much. 5 years after the discovery of this cosmic giant, captured its first circumplanetary image. We remind that, based on observations, 11 months and a half ago it was established that there was a high concentration of nitrogen oxide on surface A3 - 2. Eventually, a mission to its surface was immediately launched.

13/02/24 10:13 +4GMT
Successfully reducing the speed of the Stellarship, it is approaching its target, Hycean A3 - 2, to detach the probe from its close orbit. Flying past the exoplanet A3 - 1, a second drone was dropped to study its surface. In the photograph, a ring around the lower hemisphere was discovered, which was previously not visible from the telescope.
14/02/24 14:14 +4GMT
Having previously directed the telescopes, we obtained an image of the Stellarship approaching the orbit of hycean before activating the probe. To more confidently identify nitric oxide as a biosignature, we first sent an acoustic probe into a close orbit, and then it will enter the atmosphere of
A3 - 2. The main objectives of the mission are to confirm the predominance of nitric oxide in the atmosphere, to determine its origin, if such. Three medium format cameras are installed on board to transmit high-quality visual information.

28/02/2024 12:37 +4GMT
The Stellarship notified us of its successful approach to the atmosphere of Hycean with a photograph from its interior. At noon +4 GMT, it received the command to launch the acoustic probe.
04/03/2024 15:27 +4GMT
Having successfully made a 360-degree overview to the hycean A3 - 2, our optical probe switches to the next stage of the Spiral mission, going down to close orbit before entering the atmosphere.

05/03/2024 15:00 +4GMT
Just with the image of A3 - 2, before entering the atmosphere received data from radars about the thickness of the atmosphere, which is within 250 km, a spherical radius - 2378 km and surface area 22390067 square km at the level of the sea at peace. Next, the probe disconnects the means of communication when entering the atmosphere.
12/03/24 16:32 +4GMT
The first images were obtained from the surface of the ocean. Last year, observations through the telescope discovered an amazing phenomenon: an exoplanet in the NOVA III system may have conditions that can support the ocean of liquid nitrogen (II) oxide (NO2) on its surface. The mission "Spiral" proves that A3 - 2 hycean with very low atmospheric pressure and extremely low temperatures, which creates suitable conditions for condensation NO2 in liquid form.

14/03/24 17:04 +4GMT
With this observation, the mission proved the last assumption made a year ago - Nitric oxide found in the atmosphere
A3 - 2. The presence of large amounts of NO and liquid NO2 would imply active geological and atmospheric processes to sustain such an environment. This may include constant volcanic activity at the bottom of the ocean.
17/03/24 17:07 +4GMT
Along the spiral trajectory, our probe reached the very surface of the ocean confirming all theoretical ideas about the exoplanet A3 - 2. Following this success, a decision was made to conduct an unscheduled immersion to observe the ocean depths in the high probability areas of volcanoes or vegetation on hycean without changing the mission's trajectory with the risk of losing communication with the spacecraft.

05/07/24 10:55 +4GMT
Assumptions of the presence of a large amount of NO and Liquid NO2 due to active geological processes to maintain such an environment. This leads to the existence of constant volcanic activities at the bottom of the ocean is proved by the find of three photographs from different points.
15/11/24 11:01 GMT
Data from the medium-format cameras installed on the acoustic probe just provided high-quality images from hycean for detailed analysis. In the second surveyed location of volcanic activity, an unknown object of approximately 3 square kilometers was detected (right top corner). Planetary geologists speculate that this formation might be the peaks of submerged oceanic mountains.

16/11/24 08:28 GMT
Further investigation of the Hycean's latitudes revealed much more extensive areas than previously anticipated. A new image shows that the previously identified peaks are not oceanic mountain tops, but floating structures on the surface. This discovery raises even more questions about their nature. Additionally, a rainbow-hued film surrounding an island presents another phenomenon that requires further study.
17/11/24 11:01 GMT
A newly captured image reveals an island approximately the size of Australia. However, considering the vast scale of the Hycean ocean, this landmass appears comparatively small.
Scientists hypothesize that the rainbow-like boundary observed between the floating islands and the ocean may be due to impurities or pollutants. When liquid NO₂ interacts with substances such as oily compounds, organic residues, or metallic elements, a thin film can form on its surface, reflecting light in iridescent hues. This remarkable phenomenon now stands as a key subject for further exploration.
18/11/2024 15:45 +4GMT
Aerial imaging from the medium-format matrix has captured stunning visuals of the ocean floor in shallow regions, revealing unnatural straight lines across the seabed.

Scientists suggest that the combination of heat and energetic activity near oceanic volcanoes, coupled with optimal pressure conditions at certain depths, could potentially support life forms. This discovery further validates the decision made in March to risk submerging the probe beneath the ocean’s surface—a bold step toward unraveling the mysteries of A3 - 2's Hycean environment.

NEWS from A1 - 1 NOVAIII

16/05/24 10:07 +4GMT
Right before announcing the failure of contact with the launched Skyglider during the gravitational maneuver around exoplanet A1 - 1 in the course of the 'Spiral' mission, we have just received an image before its detachment from the Stellarship. This allowed us to calibrate the communication frequencies with Acoustic Skyglider to receive new images from exoplanet A1 - 1.

17/05/24 09:45 +4GMT
Immediately after calibration and reception of the undocking frame, here we are in contact with the Skyglider. During this time, it was gliding at the edge of A1 - 1's atmosphere and passed all tests of autonomous operation.

19/05/24 15:44 +4GMT
In the upper atmosphere, methane can undergo photochemical reactions due to the ultraviolet light from the star. This can lead to the formation of complex organic molecules known as tholins. These tholins form a haze that scatters blue and green light. This scattering adds a bluish-green tint to the atmosphere, contributing to the overall turquoise appearance.

20/05/24 06:06 +4GMT
At higher altitudes, where temperatures are lower, methane gas can condense into ice crystals. These methane ice clouds are similar to cirrus clouds on Earth but composed of methane instead of water.

21/05/24 08:38 +4GMT
At slightly warmer altitudes, where the temperature is higher but still cold enough for methane to condense, methane exists in liquid form, forming liquid methane clouds. These liquid methane clouds also scatter and reflect sunlight, focusing on blue and green wavelengths, which further intensifies the turquoise coloration of the atmosphere.

22/05/24 10:20 +4GMT
Having collected data from atmospheric layers A1 - 1, the Skyglider is switched to autonomous flight mode until the next need, but for now let's summarize. The presence of different types of clouds at various altitudes can create layers of scattering. High-altitude methane ice clouds scatter light, followed by scattering from liquid methane clouds at lower altitudes. Each layer adds to the overall intensity and depth of the turquoise color.

07/06/24 09:06 +4GMT

The most intriguing area for study on A1 - 1 is the upper layer of haze, which predominantly contains tholins. These complex organic molecules can aggregate to form aerosol particles that gradually settle into the lower layers of the atmosphere or onto the surface. Tholins represent an intermediate stage in the transformation of simple molecules, such as methane and ammonia, into more complex organic compounds. The study of these processes is of great significance for astrochemistry and exobiology, as tholins may serve as analogs of early organic compounds that could have been precursors to life.

'Celestialism': An artistic experiment where creativity centers on the study and interpretation of celestial bodies. Beginning with the representation of a way of seeing that views the material world through the perspective of cosmic origins, exploring the deep connection between the universe and earthly existence.
After observations from Earth and direct studies on the planets themselves, the environment of the star convinced researchers of its suitability for creating a bio-satellite around the star NOVA III. The large number of exoplanets rich in resources suitable for maintaining the viability of the human body further supported this idea. Since the artistic approach to observation is thorough and open to unpredictable factors in new planetary environments, capsule residencies became an effective choice for the next phase of exoplanet exploration.

The 'Celestialism' art residency invites participants to explore uncharted territories of their imagination, treating the mind as both the studio and the medium.
NEWS from A2 - 4 NOVAIII
14/09/24 12:55 +4GMT / Tom Leighton Becomes a Participant in the First Art Residency on Exoplanet A2 - 4

For the first time in the history of space art, British artist and photographer Tom Leighton has embarked on an art residency beyond Earth — on the exoplanet A2 - 4. This planet, located in NOVA III star system, is known for its unique conditions reminiscent of Earth: a thin, warm atmosphere and a presumably crystalline surface. However, due to the high acidity of the environment, human presence on the exoplanet is only possible on a levitating capsule-

platform equipped with a life support system, allowing Leighton to work for two Earth weeks.
One of Leighton’s main sources of inspiration will be the exoplanet’s ephemeral purple sunsets, created by the unique chemical composition of the atmosphere. Known for his bold photomontages and urban landscapes, Leighton will now turn his attention to interstellar landscapes, exploring the intersections of cosmic technology and nature in the context

of a new planet. This project promises to continue his tradition of creating worlds on the edge of utopia and dystopia, where cosmic technology both fascinates and threatens.

The results of his work on exoplanet A2 - 4 will be presented at an international exhibition, and critics anticipate that they may open new horizons in space art.
Hinterland by Tom Leighton
01/10/24 10:24 +4GMT / Tom Leighton Unveils His Photography Series "Hinterland," Created on Exoplanet A2 - 4

After completing his first cosmic art residency on exoplanet A2 - 4, Tom Leighton has presented his long-awaited photography series titled "Hinterland." This project is the result of two weeks spent on a levitating capsule-platform, from where he observed and captured truly alien landscapes. This series reflects the unique nature of A2 - 4 — a planet with a thin, warm atmosphere and a surface rich with rainbow-hued lakes and crystalline shores.
The photographs showcase fantastical landscapes in turquoise, lavender, and peach tones, with the series visually resembling a vivid dream, where natural forms appear so perfect that they seem artificial. Especially captivating are the ephemereal sunsets — due to the planet's atmospheric chemical composition, they are bathed in ultra violet hues, adding additional depth and surreal beauty to Leighton's works.
"Hinterland" continues Leighton’s conceptual explorations at the intersection of cosmic technology and nature, but in a new context — not the environments of Earth, but a distant exoplanet. The boundaries between reality and fantasy blur in these works, where the mysterious surfaces of lakes and unfamiliar mountain ranges, as if shaped by unexplored forces, evoke a sense of magical and simultaneously acidic beauty. The series invites us to reconsider the limits of possibility, leaving viewers both awed and thoughtful — as Leighton, in this alien world, reminds us of the fragility and grandeur of nature, even on a distant exoplanet.

All images © Tom Leighton.

NEWS about A0 - 3 NOVAIII

10/11/22 21:37 +4 GMT
With intention to see more, the spacecraft KVM1L in
NOVA III got closer to the epicenter of actions and here is what we - humanity see from this cosmic event!

10/11/22 19:03 +4 GMT
First time during the history of observation NOVA III stellar system there was detected exoplanetary activity. It was on A0 - 3. Stay tuned.

11/11/22 16:26 +4 GMT
After yesterday's hyperactivity on A0 - 3, broadcasting the latest condition of the exoplanet. While waiting for complete calm to see the consequences of this cosmic event,

12/11/22 17:18 +4 GMT
Today the A0 - 3 looks stable. This event allowed us to receive information from NOVA III in a short time. I'll share news from other planets soon.

14/11/22 14:04 +4 GMT
After the ship is directed over the activity surface, we clearly see in the photograph that it was a collision of the A0 - 3 satellite with an exoplanet. We also see that the rings have become more scattered from the shock wave. At the moment, it is calm on the surface, but this crater will remind humanity of new achievements in the space sphere.
27/01/23 12:23 +4 GMT
Until January 30th, A0 - 3 will be at the closest point to
A2 - 1. Using this opportunity, we set the image sensors of the spacecraft KVM1L which in orbit of A2 - 1 in direction of
A0 - 3 to collect data on its satellites and in search of evidence for the hypothesis of the fractal system of this exoplanet.

28/01/23 15:05 +4GMT
According to the data obtained on satellites A0 - 3, two significant discoveries were made.
First - Exoplanetary activity in October 2022 was associated with the collision of one of the satellites. There are currently seven satellites in orbit.
Secondly, a proof of the hypothesis of the fractality of the A0 - 3 system appeared. We were able to fix images of two satellites.

30/01/23 13:39 +4GMT
The Sharaf satellite is evidence of a previously unseen, fractal space system in which the satellite, being in orbit A0 - 3, the closest exoplanet to the NOVA III star, also has its own satellite with a satellite. These space objects are connected not only by gravity, but by heating each other they support internal thermonuclear reactions. In fact, this is a system of stars one in orbit of the other.
21/02/23 13:57 +4GMT
Today we are ready to present you all seven exomoons of A0 - 3! Some of them you have already seen, some are published for the first time. Approximately 3 months before we detected huge activity on the exoplanet A0 - 3, and now we have discovered that this is the crash! of the 8th -closest satellite. Also as a bonus from universe we have photograph of the subsatellite of the exomoon Sharaf.

12/07/23 12:52 +4 GMT
Now we have a photograph of a sub-satellite orbiting Sharaf in its most visible phase when neither overexposed by starlight of NOVA III and exoplanet
A0 - 3 nor in Sharaf's shadow.

15/01/24 14:34 +4 GMT
Based on observations, the satellite's surface is predominantly covered with oceans of flammable substance. Circling around its axis, under the influence of intense A0 - 3 radiation, the temperature on the surface of the ocean rises, conditions arise under which the liquid begins to ignite, and under the influence of high pressure, the released gases are pushed out, condense and fall out on the opposite side of the exoplanet. Due to precipitation and low temperatures, the flame goes out on the dark side. The difficulty of maintaining such conditions in a stable state for a long time is demonstrated by the recent approach of exosatellite's orbit or delicate balance on Kesler.
22/07/24 13:22 +4GMT
On the way to KESLER's orbit, an infrared image of A0 - 3 was taken, showing detailed surface relief and energetic emissions. This provides an explanation for the collapse of the eighth satellite that occurred in November 2022, due to the gigantic volume of matter ejected into interplanetary space from the atmosphere as a result of active processes occurring on the exoplanet.
Fractal system
of the exoplanet
A0 - 3
is a burning exoplanet that has, after the collapse of the closest satellite at the end of 2022, 7 satellites, so far, one found sub-satellite and gas-rich protoplanetary disks. In fact, this is a fractal system, where the central star NOVA III maintaining thermonuclear reactions of A0 - 3. Due to this, it has sufficient energy to maintain its satellites and their sub-satellites. Presumably, it was an independent system over time that got into the field of influence of a larger stellar system.
NEWS from TSOY / A0 - 3
Artist Residency above the surface of the most distant satellite of A0 - 3, named TSOY in honor of the first human to enter the satellite's gravitational field.
19/09/24 08:49 +4 GMT
A new mission, has been launched to the fractal system A0 - 3, aimed at closely exploring its exosatellites. Today, the stellardrop localized at A0 - 3, marking the first capsule launch to the distant satellite Tsoy. After the previous successful quantum transfer to exoplanet A2 - 4, marking a significant step forward in cosmic art exploration, the next chapter of the ‘Celestialism’ capsule-residency program has commenced. This time, the residency features outstanding photography artist Katya Tsoy, whose unique aesthetic — defined by fluid lines and impeccable tonal vision prevailing on the exosatellite — earned her unanimous selection by the residency council.
Katya's capsule has been transferred to a visually and physically distinct region of the satellite, long regarded as a point of scientific interest. This area, with its unique landscape, is expected to further enrich her work, aligning perfectly with her renowned vision.
As the 'Celestialism' residency progresses, this cosmic initiative continues to redefine the boundaries of artistic practice, inviting a deeper fusion of visual art with extraterrestrial landscapes.

In an extraordinary journey
11/10/24 11:00 GMT / Part 1

Katya Tsoy has taken part in the latest edition of the ‘Celestialism’ cosmic art residency, spending time above the exosatellite named after her as a first explorer — TSOY, which orbits the distant exoplanet A0–3. Her time there, within a specially designed capsule on it’s close orbit, has led to groundbreaking artistic revelations.
Reflecting on her initial encounter, Kate remarked, “I had imagined the surface might visually resemble human skin, given the colors I observed in exosatellite’s photograph. But what truly surprised and impressed me was witnessing the landscape move like breathing flesh, even as I approached the satellite in my capsule.”
This phenomenon, explained by scientists, may result from various atmospheric and geological processes. A0–3’s gravitational pull likely exerts tidal forces on exosatellite’s atmosphere, producing compression waves that rise and fall, creating an illusion of slow breathing, synchronized with the satellite’s orbit. This effect, similar to Earth’s tides, could be intensified by satellite’s unique mineral composition.
Additionally, scientists have suggested that certain minerals on TSOY, such as silica and iron compounds, may undergo sublimation and condensation cycles, with temperature fluctuations contributing to the “breathing” effect. As the exosatellite’s surface heats and cools, gases are released from and absorbed into its porous rock structures, producing subtle pulses in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the silica deposits may be layered and interlocked like skin tissue, creating a surface texture that resembles human skin in both appearance and response to environmental changes.
Katya’s encounter on this cosmic body offers an unprecedented look at the interplay of celestial forces and mineral life, blending artistic vision with scientific curiosity. Her series, to be unveiled as part of “Celestialism” will invite audiences to experience the rhythm of TSOY’s “breath” through her lens, adding a new dimension to our understanding of exoplanetary satellites.

12/10/24 10:33 GMT / Part 2

New details were found based on the collected data on the visual properties of the landscape. The exosatellite TSOY features a surface of mica and hematite layers, giving it a striking, skin-like appearance. Mica reflective properties create a variable sheen across the landscape, while iron oxide deposits produce a patchy texture, similar to freckles. Long-term chemical weathering has further refined the mineral surface, lending it a shimmer akin to the natural luster of human skin. Katya's unique vision offers us a clear and aesthetically captivating glimpse into how distant worlds can feel so profoundly close to us. Slide movie.
NEWS from KESLER / A0 - 3
20/11/24 07:20 GMT
The second orbital probe equipped with a medium format infrared imaging sensor successfully arrived at A0 - 3's KESLER satellite. The device photographed all sectors of the cosmic body. Several of these images revealed visible areas of a liquid surface, indicating the presence of an ocean under its flammasphere, Which is a highly charged layer influenced by its exoplanet, It is behaving similarly to flames on Earth but with denser properties, causing it to move more slowly.
21/11/24 08:33 GMT
The illuminated side of KESLER continues to reveal its mesmerizing phenomenon: slow-moving flames dancing across the surface of its flammable oceans. This fiery spectacle, now officially termed the "Flammasphere", is driven by the intense radiation of its exoplanet, A0 - 3.
As the flames ascend, the high-pressure environment triggers condensation of expelled gases, leaving behind intricate deposits when the cycle cools. Scientists liken these deposits to agate formations on Earth, where layers of minerals create vibrant, banded textures over time.
The discovery raises new questions about the satellite's chemical composition and the potential for such deposits to store clues about its volatile cycles.

23/11/24 11:37 GMT
KESLER's prominences are massive clouds of plasma that erupt from the satellite's flammasphere. These structures often resemble tongues of flame, and their length can reach hundreds of thousands of kilometers. They are stable for several weeks or months and may either fall back onto it or attracted by exoplanet A0 - 3.

24/11/24 11:37 GMT
A new aerial view of the KESLER surface has been captured, revealing a flammasphere — a heated upper layer of the liquid metal ocean. This dynamic and volatile environment consists of molten metals like iron, magnesium, and silicate compounds, which interact with the intense radiation from the host exoplanet A0 - 3.
Iron: The main component responsible for the surface's dense, reflective properties.
Magnesium: Increases the reactivity of the ocean, producing brighter, more volatile plasma when exposed to heat.
This interaction creates waves of liquid metal, glowing as their upper layers ionize into plasma. The environment follows a complex cycle of evaporation, ionization, and recombination, resulting in a self-sustaining, fiery ecosystem. On the cooler, shadowed side of KESLER, the evaporated elements condense back into liquid form, completing the metal ocean cycle.
25/09/24 09:25 GMT
Further studies of yesterday's IR photograph from a bird's eye view from the very edge of the illuminated part of the KESLER’s flammasphere reveal a new combustion phenomenon. This was from an extreme point for the apparatus, after which it was dubbed 'Phoenix'.
During combustion, substances on the satellite transform into a state of matter commonly referred to as flame or plasma 1. The heated metallic surface ignites, ionizing the outermost layers into a plasma 1 state. This process occurs as the electrons in the metallic atoms are stripped away, creating a glowing, flame-like effect that spreads across the illuminated side of ocean.
On Earth, being lighter than gases, the flame naturally flows upwards, rising into the less dense environment. As the flame ascends, it quickly loses energy - heat, and dissolves back into the surrounding gases.
Here plasma 1 does not behave as conventional flames do on Earth. Instead of rising upwards, the it remains tightly bound near the surface due to the magnetic interactions between A0 - 3 and KESLER. This binding effect creates a slow, undulating motion, as if the flames are "floating" rather than flowing up.
This discovery presents a striking contrast to our understanding of combustion processes on Earth and challenges conventional theories about flame behavior in different planetary environments.

Three dimensional visualization generated from photographs of exoplanets.

Rome, 41°89 77N, 12°47 79E, Wednesday, the 22nd of June, the 173rd day in the year 1633, 7:00 p.m. The full moon resided in the constellation Sagittarius. Jupiter had already hidden his countenance behind the hills, and in a few minutes Venus would follow him. Draco's head lay in the zenith above the holy city, visible through the oculus of the Pantheon. Diagonally across the street, in front of the steps of the church Santa Maria sopra Minerva, an old man in a hair shirt dismounted a mule, shortly thereafter to kneel down and reveal what he believes and recant what he has seen.
I, Galileo Galilei, have forsworn, sworn and promised... on my knees. Against better judgment. In the face of evidence. Contrary to the experiments. And so she, the sun, has punished me. So, too, the stars have determined, and Jupiter has judged me, taking my sight, so that I could never betray him again. A just punishment for the betrayal. How could I denigrate the truth? No one knows, as well as I. Before me no man saw, what I saw. I was the first, who pointed the lenses upward toward the heavens, unlike all the small minds, who merely held them straight ahead, gazing at the nearest hill. I opened the door. Never before did anyone gaze at all the suns, this twinkling, the innumerable stars, a vastness that took my breath away.
They were always there, yet it was given to me to be the first human to behold them, back then 30 years ago. A sea of stars. Was it not I, who revolutionized seeing?
Who explained to people that the play of light and shadow on the moon is no different than here on earth? That the moon has mountains and valleys and seas? That there is no man in the moon? Yes, it was I, who first saw that Copernicus was right, and that we are the ones that rotate. If the four Medici, the small moons, revolve around
Jupiter, then the Earth cannot be the only center of celestial rotations. I saw it. The sun lies at the center of all large planetary orbits. Did God not give man the ability to reason, an intellect and eyes so that he may use of them?
The experiment - the teacher of all things - showed me everything: that the essence of nature can be described mathematically, that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.
Empiricism led to knowledge. And, no, theology is not superior to all sciences, for it is not a science, since it cannot be proven. Only proof can support theory. So elegant was my "Dialogo", so ingenious was the argumentative dance, that in the end there could be no doubt. It was not I who proved, but rather common sense following the arguments. I answered the questions in terms of the Inquisition, back then 1633. Yet the next day, when I had to slip on the hair shirt - I, the great Galileo, like a heretic - in order to appear before the seven cardinals, what choice did I have besides renunciation, besides the disavowal of my knowledge as collateral for my life? But the real punishment is not the lifelong house arrest. The punishment is the darkness. Now I no longer see anything, an eternal night without stars. What I deserve.


NOVA III: Beginning

A0 - 3 / 40.355510, 49.829617
A0 - 1 / 40.375486, 49.833394
A0 - 2 / 40.355920, 49.830332

ARTIM Flux: Peripheral Expansion / 08.10.2019 - 29.11.2019

They say, "The macrocosm of the universe is mirrored in the microcosm of the mind" which can be applied to "NOVA III", the immersive installation by Emin Mathers raising the question around the place of the human energy and its potential of materializing imagination in the macrocosm which can refer both to the whole universal system and the society. The photo installation creates an experience of high perception of limitless eternity.
Video link: Facebook

Handicraft, BAKU, AZ

White wall: "Exoplanets A0 - 1, A2 - 3, A0 - 3"

Wake-up artist / 12.04.2020
Millepiani, Rome, IT
A0 - 1 / 40.375486, 49.833394

LoosenArt: Windows into the virtual / 16.02.2021 - 21.02.2021

The exhibition, open to the public from February 5 to March 4, 2021, presents digital, photographic and video works that reflect on the theme of the virtual dimension, interpreted according to different declinations and perspectives.
Starting from the Renaissance period, the very concept of the frame was a reference to the idea of a window that opens to external worlds, to other worlds and to what is beyond reality.
The result of the group show Windows into the Virtual is a mirror of the reality we live: sometimes it shows the world we live in, at other times it breaks through the door of the unreal, the non-existent, the paradoxical.

Event curated by LoosenArt


Virtual exhibition of

NOVA III NFT Collection

X-Hall SANAL SANAT GALERİSİ / 06.12.2022


TIMES SQUARE 2023, Marriott Marquis 2025


A2 - 4 at NFT NYC 2023


KESLER, A0 - 3 at NFT NYC 2025

Community Artist Showcase NFT.NYC

A2 - 4 / 40.357470, 49.833030

KESLER / A0 - 3 / 40.355510, 49.829617

NFT NYC 2023 / 14.04.2023 - 14.04.2023

NFT NYC 2025 / 25.06.2025 - 27.06.2025


Exoplanets at Culture and Creativity Sector Forum

A2 - 4 / 40.357470, 49.833030

A2 - 3 / 40.353069, 49.835654

A0 - 1 / 40.375486, 49.833394

MYS FORUM / 28.11.2023 - 30.11..2023


Photograph: Genesis

Part II

Ygrodrill drop to A0 - 1 / NOVA III

Foundation / 27.05.2024


Mixed: Genesis

Infrared image / Exoplanet A0 - 3, NOVA III

Foundation / 29.09.2024


Shifting Realities: Echoes and Dreams

It is a contemporary documentary photography exhibition that explores the fluid nature of life and identity through diverse visual narratives. The exhibition weaves together stories of transformation, memory, and aspiration, reflecting the interplay between the past, present, and imagined futures. Through a series of photographic subcollections, the exhibition presents a broad spectrum of lived experiences-capturing the fragility of rural life, the imaginative pull of cosmic exploration, the echoes of social crises, and the resilience of those left behind. Each narrative stands on its own while collectively forming a portrait of shifting realities in a world where dreams often collide with harsh realities

Exoplanet A1 - 1 & A2 - 1, Hinterland by Thomas, Exploration of Exoplanets

E.N's Studio, F37 / 04.10.2024


X Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art

The Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art has been held every two years since 2001 with government support. It serves as an open platform for cultural exchange in the visual arts, showcasing the modern creative potential of different countries and discussing current issues in contemporary art.

The theme of the X Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art in 2024 is "Art and World". Conceptually, it explores the relationship between art and modern reality through the works of artists from various countries. The theme provides an opportunity to explore concepts such as ecology, identity, artificial intelligence, technogenic civilization, and the inner world of individuals.

Exploration of Exoplanets: Expedition to Exoplanet A2 - 2

Invisible Worlds / 14 - 16.10.2024

Exoplanet A
Snap Collective, LUNAR CODEX, NASA, F37 / XX.09.2025
The U.S.'s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has a plan, the Artemis Program, to land humans back on the Moon in 2026, for the first time in over 50 years.
In parallel with the Artemis program, NASA will send scientific instruments to the Moon, over 2023 to 2026. Along with NASA instruments, these missions will carry commercial payloads, including the time capsules that make up The Lunar Codex. All are curated in by professional editors, anthologists, publishers, art curators, and gallerists.
All in all, the Lunar Codex comprises six time capsules, each launched by a different mission. These archival missions of the Lunar Codex are part of the most significant placement of contemporary arts on the Moon in over fifty years.
At its essence, the Lunar Codex is a set of time capsules, a message-in-a-bottle to future generations.

"Our hope is that future travelers who find these time capsules will discover some of the richness of our world today... It speaks to the idea that, despite wars and pandemics and climate upheaval, humankind found time to dream, time to create art.” - Samuel Peralta

NOVA III will be on the last mission called CODEX POLARS via Spacex Falcon Heavy, launching in September 2025
Codex Polaris is our payload associated with an Astrobotic Griffin mission carrying NASA's VIPER rover, targeting the Nobile Crater, in the vicinity of the Lunar South Pole.​

Mercedes-Benz center, Baku, AZ

NOVA III Sky, Sea, Ground

A1 - 1 / 40.375472, 49.833412

A2 - 3 / 40.353069, 49.835654

A3 - 2 / 40.370643, 49.846063

F37 / XX.02.2025

dive into the reality of
Made on